Tuesday, January 10, 2017


The Temple of Babalon Pelada

The Psychic Computer Applications that we Run within the Operating System of the Multiverse
Psychic Computer Network shape our Reality. These applications come in many forms such as
Illustrations, Tools, Spells, Rituals, or combinations of all and All Create Magickal Machines.
Following are Ritual programs developed for the Temple of Babalon Pelada or TBP by updating
the programming of the Esoteric Schools of Antiquity for application in this Time and Space.
Using the traditional framework of geometry, we begin the complete application with a Point as
a Cross which implies the Sphere. The line of development then leads to the Pentagrams of Elements
and then to the Celestial Hexagram, a path that is also traditional.
Below are some specifications of the Pentagram Ritual Application Update.

East ( Fire and Spirit )
Aries - Courage - Tyranny
Leo - Will-Power - Arrogance
Sagittarius - Wisdom - Fanaticism

South ( Air and Mind )
Libra - Balance - Conflict
Aquarius - Unity - Radicalism
Gemini - Understanding - Confusion

West ( Water and Sentience )
Cancer - Satisfaction - Insecurity
Scorpio - Passion - Overindulgence
 Pisces - Ecstasy Illusion

North ( Earth and Form )
Capricorn - Success - Corruption
Taurus - Perseverance - Fear
Virgo - Organization - Greed

The Temple of Babalon Pelada
Ritual of The Cosmic Cross and The Magickal Sphere

1. Form The Cosmic Cross.
 Advance to the Center of The Ritual Space Facing East.
Touch Your Brow and Say, “ Macrocosm, ”, Visualizing The Heavens.
Visualize a Strong Ray of Light Descending your Body.
Touch Your Pelvis and Say, “ Microcosm, ”, Visualizing The Earth.
Touch Your Right Shoulder and Say “ Action, ”, Visualizing a Red Sun or Mars.
Visualize a Strong Ray of Light Crossing Your Heart.
Touch Your Left Shoulder and Say, “ and Realization, ”, Visualizing a Blue Moon or Jupiter.
Touch Your Hands Together and Say, “ I Am ! ”
Visualize Yourself Perfected.
2. Create The Magickal Sphere.
Advance to the East and say,
“Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.
 Black Goddess of Space, Babalon, Please Protect Me and Guide Me.
Papa Legbha please Open The Gates.
Papa Ghuédhé please Protect Me and Guide Me.
For I am Your Servant.
In the name of The Primordial Light,
and The Mighty Hoodoo Spirits,
I Create The Magickal Sphere. ”
Advance to The Right, Drawing The Magickal Circle with The Wand or Your Hand,
Visualize a Strong Sphere of Light within The Magickal Circle.
Return to the center of the Ritual Space and say,
“ Consciousness is Continuous. Consciousness is One.
The Center is Clear.”
3. Form The Cosmic Cross.
4. “ Please Protect Us and Guide Us Legbha-Ghuédhé.
And Please Protect Me and Guide Me
Mystere Royal, Black Goddess of Space,
Les Houdeaux, Ti-Pied-Mille-Fois,
Mystere Toile-d'Araignee, Mystere Araignee,
Ti Zaraguin, and Maitre Baron Zaraguin.
And Please Protect Us and Guide Us
Damballah-Wedo, Aidah-Wedo,
Simbi, Agwe,
Ougun-Fer, Erzullie,
Ghuédhé-Nibbho, and Gran Bwa.
For I am Your Servant.”

The Temple of Babalon Pelada
Ritual of Purification

1. Cosmic Cross.
2. Stand in the Center of the Magickal Sphere and say,
“ Papa Legbha, please Open The Gates.
Papa Ghuédhé, please Protect and Guide Us.
For I am Your Servant.
All Energies Unhealthy for Me are Banished.
In the name of The Primordial Light,
And The Mighty Hoodoo Spirits,
I, The Priest Kutul, of The Temple of Babalon Pelada, declare that,
I Purify Myself, Here and Now. ”
3. Advance to the North and draw Pentagram of Earth (NANTA) and say,
“ Ghuédhé-Nibbho -
A Sacred Form Moves Away From Me
Corruption, Fear, Greed,
and All Energies Unhealthy to My Bodies.
4.Advance to the West and draw the Pentagram of Water (HCOMA) and say,
“ Ougun-Fer -
A Sacred River Washes Away From Me
Insecurity, Overindulgence, Illusion,
and All Energies Unhealthy to My Feelings.
5. Advance to the South and draw the Pentagram of Air (EXARP) and say,
“ Simbi -
A Sacred Wind Blows Away From Me
Conflict, Rebellion, Confusion,
and All Energies Unhealthy to My Mind.
6. Advance to the East and draw the Pentagram of Fire (BITOM) and say,
“ Damballa -
A Sacred Fire Burns Away From Me
Tyranny, Arrogance, Fanaticism,
and All Energies Unhealthy to My Spirit.
7. Return to the center and say,
“All Energies Unhealthy for Me are Banished.
Thank You, Primordial Light,
and Mighty Hoodoo Spirits.
I Am Purified.
8. Cosmic Cross.

The Temple of Babalon Pelada
Ritual of Activation

1. Cosmic Cross.
2. Stand in the Center of the Magickal Sphere and say,
“ Papa Legbha, please Open The Gates.
Papa Ghuédhé, please Protect Me and Guide Me.
For I am Your Servant.
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.
In the name of The Primordial Light,
And The Mighty Hoodoo Spirits,
I, The Priest Kutul, of The Temple of Babalon Pelada, declare that,
I Activate Myself, Here and Now. ”
3. Advance to the East and Draw the Pentagram of Fire (BITOM) and say,
“ Damballa -
A Sacred Fire Burns into Me
Courage, Will-Power, Wisdom,
and All Energies Healthy to My Spirit.
4. Advance to the South and Draw the Pentagram of Air (EXARP) and say,
“ Simbi -
A Sacred Wind Blows into Me
Balance, Unity, Understanding,
and All Energies Healthy to My Mind.
5. Advance to the West and Draw the Pentagram of Water (HCOMA) and say,
“ Ougun-Fer -
A Sacred River Washes into Me
Satisfaction, Passion, Ecstasy,
and All Energies Healthy to My Feelings.
6. Advance to the North and Draw the Pentagram of Earth (NANTA) and say,
“ Ghuédhé-Nibbho -
A Sacred Form Moves into Me
Success, Perseverance, Organization,
and All Energies Healthy to My Bodies.
7. Return to the Center and say,
“Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.
Thank You, Primordial Light,
and Mighty Hoodoo Spirits.
I Am Activated.
8. Cosmic Cross.

The Temple of Babalon Pelada
Ritual of Unification

 In our esoteric schools, traditionally, after the Psychic Computer Application of the Ritual of the Pentagram or
or the TBP Update or other variations, have been Run for some time and the student has experience in
influencing the elemental world of the Sphere of Earth and all this implies, we are introduced to the Psychic
Computer Application of Ritual of the Unification and the influence of the Celestial Bodies with the Hexagrm.
 The traditional symbol of hexagram consisting of two interwoven triangles represents the uniting of the
opposites, symbolized by the Macrocosm ▲ and the Microcosm ▼, so we are reinforcing the unified
relationship of all opposites as the Earth and the Heavens and, more specifically, all the aspects, elements, or
parts of the Multiverse with the Primordial Light. This is an especially important concept as we ascend the Tree
of Life and approach the Sphere of the Living Self and the Heart Chakra, where all forms in the Multiverse are
connected as One Soul.
 The concept of the Ritual of the Hexagram is to see the Universe as a Unity by combining the Macrocosm
and the Microcosm and also combining all the planets as one Unity. The Golden Dawn sealed this act with the
word :“ARARITA”
 which is a seven lettered anagram for the Hebrew sentence which means “One is His Beginning: One is His
Individuality: His Permutation is One ”.
 In the spirit of The Temple of Bablon Pelada and Abrahadabra Research Laboratory tradition of updating our
applications for ourselves and our targeted groups, we have developed a seven syllable anagram code derived
from the seven planets attributed to the Hexagram. This word is : “ Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu ”
This update provides a higher level of efficiency towards our perceived goal.
The beginning of Code represents the planets of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars ( above the sphere of the Self on the
Tree of Life, or the Archetypal Universes and Beyond.), the central section of the word represents the Sun ( In
the Center of the Tree, The Living True Self ), and the end of the word represents Venus, Mercury, and Lua,
( Below the sphere of the Living True Self on the Tree, or The Mental and Astral Universes, the Illusory Self of
The Personality ). This infers and thus creates a current of energy from the Primal Light at the top to the Earth at
the base in a unified motion, thus achieving the same formula as the Old Aeon word but with an updated formula
based on our Latin languages and a more comprehensive illustration of the Tree of Life of which it is
 In this Ritual Application, using the Unicursal Hexagram, we invoke the seven planets attributed to the star,
from Lua to Saturn, moving up the Tree and finish with The Sun to Unify the whole. We also repeat the word
“Sajuma-Sol-Vemalu” eight times ( for Magickal Potency ) and unify the whole operation again with The L.V.X.
signs to create an explosion of astral light from one “Abrahadabra”.
 After the “Abrahadabra” facing East, To concentrate a meditation on a specific Sphere, Planet, or
Astrological Sign one can add an additional repetition of the invoking hexagram of the Planet corresponding to
that meditation. The symbol of the Planet is replaced by the symbol of the Astrological Sign when invoking the

1. Stand in the Center of the Magickal Sphere facing East, and form the Cosmic Cross.
2. Say, “ Papa Legbha, please Open The Gates.
Papa Ghuédhé, please Protect Me and Guide Me.
For I am Your Servant.
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.
In the name of The Primordial Light
And The Mighty Hoodoo Spirits,
I recognize The Unity, Here and Now.
Consciousness is Continuous. Consciousness is One.
Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu. ”
. Draw the Hexagram of Lua, and say
“ The Energies of Lua Flow into Me.
 Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu. ”
4. Draw the Hexagram of Mercury, and say,
“ The Energies of Mercury Flow into Me
Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu. ”
5. Draw the Hexagram of Venus, and say,
“ The Energies of Venus Flow into Me.
Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu. ”
6. Draw the Hexagram of Mars, and say,
“ The Energies of Mars Flow into Me
Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu. ”
7. Draw the Hexagram of Jupiter, and say,
“ The Energies of Jupiter Flow into Me.
8. Draw the Hexagram of Saturn, and say.
“ The Energies of Saturn Flow into Me
Sajuma-Sol-Vemelu. ”
9. Draw the Hexagram of Sol, and say.
“ The Energies of Sol flow into Me.
Consciousness is Continuous. Consciousness is One.
10. Say “ Thank You, Primordial Light,
and Mighty Hoodoo Spirits. ”
11. Say “ Abrahadabra. ”,
Make the signs of L.V. X.,
and radiate your LIGHT.
12. Form the Cosmic Cross.

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