Sunday, January 15, 2017
Nemoria and Zothyria
Nemoria and Zothyria.
" Nemorian - These are those magickal beings which enhabit a planet having the star Rigel, in Orion, as its sun. The Nemorians are the race of beings present in the oricular minds of Michael Bertiaux and his people. They are extra-terrestrial beings living on Earth through thier own type of space-magick In many ways, they are of the same family as the Medjis of IFA, except that they are now living in a material world. They are not space-gods, but are semi-humanoids. A branch of the Nemorians are the Zothyrians, who who long ago entered an alterative universe and there set up an empire based on magickal principles."
- Michael Bertiaux, VGW
“ They hold the view that at a certain time in the past, a spaceship landed and some of the crew got lost
in the karmic veils of this world. (…) Those who were sent here belong to the planet Yuggoth, or Pluto,
and are usually attracted to the stranger forms of gnostic magick.
The space-people want to gather all of these humans into their magickal orders and then develop in
them that consciousness of the outside and the other which has been suppressed and driven down
deeply into the Id. Their whole method of magick consists in making humans aware of what it means to
be Yuggothian and Transyuggothian, to be Zothyrians, to be conscious of the bions as Energy-Alphas
and Energy-Etas, and to be aware of the real magick behind appearance.”
- Michael Bertiaux, VGW
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