BIG GLAD VOUDON DAD An example of Esoteric Voudon Gnosis...
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Papa Ghuédhé-Nibbho
Papa Ghuédhé is The personification of Death-Transformation and Fertility-Sex He is the Ruler of the Dead and the Custodian of Our An...
The Grande Legbha
The Cross-Roads of Spirit and Form. Creative Energy and Physical Matter. The Gateway to the Beyond. Our Overseeing Universal Godhead ...
Sunday, January 15, 2017
A Brief Description of The Tree of Life
A Brief Description of The Tree of Life The Tree of Life is an archetypal diagram of the manifested universe. Its application for prog...
The seal of the O.T.O.A.
The seal of The Ordo Templi Orientis Antiquita. or The Ancient Order of the Templars Of the East. The current possesors of Th...
A Protection veve
A protection veve from thr VGW.
The Four Crosses of Noonday
The Four Crosses of Noonday. In the papers of the Monastery of the Seven Rays, comprised by Michael Bertiaux, we are given another ...
Nemoria and Zothyria
Nemoria and Zothyria. " Nemorian - These are those magickal beings which enhabit a planet having the star Rigel, in Orion, as its s...
Saturday, January 14, 2017
A Four-Dimentional Cube
“ The initiates of The Black Snake Cult ( La Couleuvre Noire or LCN ) use a special symbol as a springboard to the aethyrs or extra-terre...
Hoodoo Contact
The first ritual Psychic Computer Application For contacting the Lucky Hoodoo Spirits Of the Famille Ghuédhé of Loa, Given i...
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
TBP.PsyComApp.R The Temple of Babalon Pelada Rituals The Psychic Computer Applications that we Run within the Operating System of th...
Saturday, January 7, 2017
An Alter ...
Veve of Famille Ghuédhé
The Mighty and Lucky Hoodoo Spirits are responsible for the results of all Our Hoodoo Magickal practices. Even when called by other ...
This is an example of a Vudotronics Four-Dimentional Magickal Machine to channel Magickal Currents from the Loa and Vudu. This d...
The Portal of The Cross
Kenneth Grant on The Cross. “ ...In Haitian Voodoo the waters beneath the earth typify the birthplace of the human race, viz : Guinea...
< START HERE > Veve of Papa Legbha
< START HERE > the ancient stones of Jackson Square before the shrine of St. Louis Cathedral, Sanctified by the Patron...
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